Saturday, March 10, 2007

Easy Does It

I intended to taper for three weeks, but if I look at my training schedule, it turned out to be more like three-and-a-half weeks. Because of tomorrow’s race I’ve been taking it easy since Wednesday’s long run, and apart from my last long run, coming this Monday, there won’t be any more particularly strenuous workouts in my way.

I pondered quite some time about the mileage for Friday. Originally I intended 15 miles, but then decided there was not much to gain at this late stage, and 15 miles 2 days before a 10k race could leave me with heavy legs; I settled on a relaxing 11 miles run. This had the added benefit of an extra half hour of sleep; to be honest, I needed that more than 4 additional miles. I went ahead with that, but I’m no longer sure what easy pace is for me; I run strictly by feel, and I can’t quite get my head around the fact that 8:00 pace feels so easy. Four months ago I was ecstatic to run a marathon just a whisker faster than that; now it feels a lot slower than marathon pace. But, with an eye on Sunday, I kept my legs in check, the only fast section being a set of 5x100 strides on the way home. Despite feeling so slow, the home stretch took only 43:10 (7:50 pace).

Pretty much the same was in store today, except that I ran a bit shorter as well as a bit slower. It was quite windy, but luckily the rain was reduced to a drizzle, and it wasn’t bad. I stopped wearing tights a few days ago; I should have done that at least 2 weeks earlier, because it’s been warm enough for shorts for quite some time. I just didn’t have the courage to try running with bare legs after that awful winter.

I guess running at such a relaxed pace will be good training for the ultra. I haven’t really got a clue what my ultra pace should be like, but naturally it’s slower than marathon pace. One part of me thinks starting the ultra at the same pace I’ve been running over the last 2 days should be just about right. You’re supposed to feel too slow for the first 10 miles at least. The other part thinks 8:10 pace would be much too fast. If I start at 8:10 pace, what would my average pace for the race be (assuming I won’t run into any major troubles)? 8:30? That would leave me with a 5:34 time, which would have been good enough for 11th place last year, and it just sounds too ambitious. I guess I’ll find out on race day.

Anyway, tomorrow is a different race. It looks like I will be able to test my hardiness in the rain. I’ll be sure to let you know.

9 Mar: 11 miles, 1:28:47, 8:04 pace, avg. HR 143, including 5x100 strides
10 Mar: 8 miles, 1:05:53, 8:14 pace, avg. HR 145


  1. have a great race Thomas!!!

  2. You're going to have a great race Thomas. Looking forward to the results.
