Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dog Days

What can I say that I haven’t said before? I’m in the middle of my taper, the serious training is over and done, and despite itching to run more I’m enjoying myself more than ever. The hip still hurts, and I guess I’ll have to run through it on race day, but I’m confident that I’ll be able to handle it. Once the fatigue gets worse than the pain, I’ll stop noticing it.

Wednesday’s run was a bit of a surprise. I’ve noticed that my pace has continued dropping recently, but I ran at an easy effort, as seen by the heart rate, and still ended up with 7:24 pace. Wow. I’ve said that before every marathon I’ve ever run, but I’m in better shape than ever before. It’s great to see that I’m still improving from training cycle to training cycle, and it keeps me very motivated. I don’t know how long that will hold true, but it’s great as long as it lasts.

Today’s workout would have been even less remarkable had I not been attacked by the same bloody dogs again. In fact I had an encounter with them on Monday, but didn’t mention it (it may have been responsible for the raised heart rate). I ran past the same house again, and 4 of them came out looking very aggressive. Shouting “no” towards them stopped them from actually trying to bite, but one came back again and again. I finally picked up a stone and hurled it at the pest. It jumped aside and the projectile missed, unfortunately, but it finally got the message and stopped attacking me. I’m so pissed off about it, and the fact that the f***ing useless Garda Síochána (= police in Ireland, before you ask) refuse to do anything about it. Apparently some child has to bitten first before they get off their arses.

Anyway, I came home unscathed, if a bit grumpy. I refuse to change my running route just because of them, and I guess we’ll have some more encounters in the future.

People in the office keep coming by my desk asking if I’m ready for the race (they know about it because I’ve been collecting for charity). I’d better not drop out, I won’t be able to show my face at work if I do.

Did I ever tell you that I have crossed toes? My third toe on my right foot is crooked, and curls underneath my second toe. It’s usually not a problem, but I have to keep the toenail short at all times. The other day I woke in the morning to find that the nail had been digging in the other toe overnight, and it was bleeding. It was rather uncomfortable, but once I started running I hardly felt anything at all. I guess it’s one of the little things you just have to deal with. I think it’s inherited, because Shea has exactly the same issue on the same foot.

I’m rambling because I can’t think of anything else to write. I’d better stop.

21 Mar: 8 miles, 59:16, 7:24 pace, HR 146
22 Mar: 6 miles, 47:52, 7:58 pace, HR 145


  1. You need to post your race schedule, because I can't keep up with you! When is the big day? If you taper, I am guessing no more than couple of weeks...dropping pace is so great! Keep thinking about it, and drop a pace on a race day!

  2. So what is your race day plan? How fast do you go out for a 39.3 mile race? 7:30's could be deadly later on...

  3. you're tapering so I'm thinking the race is in a few weeks. Good luck haning in there!!!

  4. Your decreasing heart rate is amazing! A year ago you probably wouldn't have predicted a run at 7:24 pace with an average heart rate of only 146...

  5. My goodness, two links in two posts. I must be a pest! I prefer to think of it as insatiable curiosity.

    This'll probably get people mad at me, so let me preface it by saying I am a dog lover. My kids raised and showed dogs in 4H. However, I don't like loose, bad-mannered dogs. So...I suggest either pepper spray, or something that is relatively harmless but will sting when sprayed on them. Call it avoidance training. Or, you could try something nicer, carry some biscuts with you and toss them to the dogs when they come out. They might begin to think of you as a friend. Who knows? Personally, I'd go for the pepper spray.

  6. I should have clarified - one link in yours, one in Donald's, both explaining things before I asked...

  7. Enjoy the next week and a half, you and your hip will be fine. You've put in all this hard work and it's time to reap the reward; I'm looking forward to the tale.

    I'd suggest carrying two rocks when you go by the house next time one to scare off the dogs, and the other for the bloody owners... that is what kills me most!

  8. You should look for one of those electronic Dog Dazer devices that I have heard about from a couple bloggers somewhere. If you Google Dog Dazer you can find one.

  9. Hope that hip feels better soon; although I can't imagine anything slowing YOU down. An amazing dog attack. Glad you escaped unharmed.

  10. Dont you love getting better and better? I'll be thinking of you. Your pace is looking great.

  11. a belated...

    CONGRATULATIONS on BREAKING 40 Minutes for the 10K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I agree with Jack about the Dog Dazer devices. Maybe one for the owners as well. Enjoy the taper.

  13. Thats all you need when you're busting your guts on a training run, dogs chasing you, I guess it might help with your speed though? Maybe work on your accuracy with the rock throwing in between runs? The dog biscuit trick is a good idea too.

  14. Thomas, I'm going to take your advice and keep running - my cold doesn't seem to be in my chest so I should be okay. I have another 5k tomorrow so I'll see how recovered I really am!
