Friday, May 19, 2006

Rain, Rain Go Away!

To say the weather has been nasty recently would be a massive understatement. It’s like the running gods wanted to test my resolve early on, and challenged me to get wet day after day after day. I’m glad I do all my runs in the morning; somehow it never seems so bad then. Up to yesterday it was the same every day. I would run in the rain after getting up, go to work, and as I’m driving home in the evening rain and wind I think to myself “Am I glad I don’t have to go running now in those conditions”.

Anyway, I’ve again managed 6 days in a row, but it’s not really grounds for celebration. I feel quite tired, and I think the lack of an extra rest day is telling. I hope I get used to that sooner rather than later, because the training is only going to get more challenging as the weeks go by. I ran Wednesday’s 10 miler too fast, time and again I caught myself speeding up, consciously slowed down to a more manageable pace, but as soon as my mind started wandering again, the legs increased the pace again. Even yesterday’s recovery run was too fast, sub-9 pace is not really recovery pace for me, even if the HR was only slightly out of the recommended zone. (By the way, I’m not really a slave to my HRM. I hardly ever check the HR during the run, only afterwards, when I log the time and average HR). I played a good hour of football last night, and at one stage slightly twisted my ankle. It wasn’t too bad, the pain stopped after a minute, and I didn’t think much about it. When I started today’s 13 miler, I felt really stiff and tired, which I put down to the football. After about 2 miles I started to get a numb kind of pain in my left calf/knee - it’s hard to describe, and I couldn’t even tell which bit was actually hurting, the top of my calf or the outside of my knee. That pain subsided soon, and until mile 10 the run was ok, even if the effort was slightly laboured. But all of a sudden my ankle let me know that it wasn’t happy, the same one I had twisted the night before. I was nearly at the turn-around point of my final 5-mile loop, so I continued on, hoping that it would get better. It didn’t, and the last 3 miles were agony. Boy, was I glad when I got back home. I don’t think I aggravated anything, and tomorrow is my rest day anyway, but I’ll keep an eye on it over the next few days.

17 May: 10 miles, 1:21, 8:06 pace
18 May: 5 miles, 44:37, 8:55 pace
19 May: 13 miles, 1:51, 8:32 pace


  1. Now our generally nasty spring weather has been beautiful this year. I can't remember such an early spring as this year's. I still run early in the morning, but wehn it's 50° at 5 am, it's going to be a beautiful day.

  2. When the weather gods throw their worst at you during training, it can only get better on race day ;-)

    Six days in a row, how do you find time, I have trouble with 4 days a week.

    Watch that ankle!

  3. Eek, rain...I feel your pain! Now that we are in a dry spell, it's so nice (yet so freakin' hot!)
    Good running string.

  4. heh. i wish my legs would speed up when my mind wanders...i have the opposite problem!

  5. geez, sounds tough. the calf/knee pain is one I often experience.

  6. Oh how I wish I could run that fast just without knowing.

    Better not just keep an eye on it, try some ice, maybe?

    As the time goes on I bet you will feel better with this new kind of load training.
    Great pace, by the way! Sigh.

  7. When I feel tired and down I find a Vitamin B suppplement can help. I hope the sun come out for you soon!

  8. Nasty weather here too and it's heading your way! A few comments on your 1st week. Think you're tired now? Just wait! Easy days must be easy-easy-easy no matter how good your feeling. Be a slave to the HR monitor and save it for the 'hard' days.

    Soccer, I'm sure it's as dear to your heart as hockey is to us Canucks, but I had to give it up when in heavy marathon training. Just can't do both and survive. Sorry!

    Good job on the 1st week. Get lots of sleep, eat well and carbo & water load before every run. Forget about the depletion stuff this time around cause you'll be stressed enough with the new workload. And stay healthy ;-)

  9. After a while, the rain just becomes routine. Then, on the next nice day - wow. Hang in there!

  10. LOL, Football!

    Sorry Thomas, you have listened to my wimpering about non-running related injuries from playing Ultimate Frisbee. I will say that I love the Game so I am willing to take the risk and I absolutely count it as a 6 Miler on my training record!

    Be well and happy!
