Saturday, February 23, 2019

We Must First Learn To Crawl

This has been the longest gap in this blog since its inception, by quite some margin. If you're still here to read this, congratulations!

The reason why I didn't post anything is the fact that this is a running blog and I had not been running. I did not want to post a constant stream of updates in the shape of:

"Not running"

"Still not running"

"No running yet"

"No running still"

And son on. Now, finally, I do have a bit of a better update:

"Running a tiny little bit!"

Admittedly, it's not the most amazing of news, but after more than 3 weeks of no running it was never going to anything but a small amount of miles, very slowly, and not feeling particularly great.

My hip started to feel much better about a week ago and I was just about to hit the road for a first test run last Saturday when I caught some virus that had me confined to bed for the weekend, aching all over the body and feeling very sorry for myself. I was mostly recovered by Monday (great! no need to miss work!) but still not back to my most energetic self, so I waited until Thursday before finally heading out, coinciding with a short break at some swanky hotel.

I ran for about 3 miles, a bit longer than planned but I got lost on the way home and had to find my way around the twisty little passages, all alike. The biggest disappointment was not the slow pace but the fact that as soon as I took my first running step I immediately felt my hip again, which had been completely fine for the last 10-ish days. Still, it was a lot better than before my break, I was not hobbling, and after a mile or 2 I was ok, though somehow every step felt awkward and uncoordinated, due to the long break.

I was fine for the rest of the day but to my great dismay I felt the hip again on Friday morning, so I took yet another off day, and ran again on Saturday, but only for about half the distance (it was enough to have me knackered nevertheless).

This is undoubtedly going to be a slow process, but I have no race goals whatsoever, and I'll take it just as it comes.

The next update won't be so long in coming, promise!
21 Feb
3.2 miles, 30:18, 9:29 pace, HR 141
23 Feb
1.73 miles, 17:13, 9:57 pace, Hr 140


  1. Hope things improve Thomas, I know (from 1st hand experience!) how frustrating injury is..

  2. Bummer! Injury is never fun! Keep writing tho! Hearing about the struggle makes the eventual victory that much sweeter. I always enjoy reading your entries!

  3. U would not go and get it checked?

    1. I am doing teh same strengthening exercises I did the last time I had a hip injury. I really don't think a physio would be of any additional use.
